We are pleased to bring you more good news from The ADHD Advocate as we go from strength to strength. You will note that in the last issue of our newsletter we shared with you news of our first ADHD Kids Coach, Ben Isaacson, joining the team. Well, today we are delighted to let you know that another talented and very experienced ADHD Coach has joined our ranks.
Introducing our new ADHD Coach: Eleni Sfiroudis

Eleni Sfiroudis pronounced (sphere-ou-dis) is a very experienced ADHD Coach and Trainer (over 12 years!). Her key specialism is coaching and training parents and teachers and we are delighted that she will be delivering the parent consultations under our brand new Kids ADHD Coaching Programme. Eleni hails from the US and, as a parent and a coach, has a unique perspective into the ADHD experience across both these jurisdictions. She shares with us her insights below. "Awareness of ADHD is increasing in the US, however there is confusion around ADHD and what ADHD support can look like. Especially because of the stigma surrounding diagnosis, with lots of information but fewer practical examples. Often teachers are ill equipped to be able to support these kids. For example, ADHDers get more time on tests but the students don't know what to do with that extra time!" There is a reluctance to seek diagnosis, especially in early years: "It makes me sad that these kids, and their parents, may have missed out on the tools that can help them". A cultural shift is required to improve the way ADHD is viewed. Eleni seems very happy to have swapped state side for London. She has been here for four years and feels really embedded in the culture. "I love living in the UK - the countryside, exploring castles and history, small, well-stocked grocery stores, farmer's markets. I love that you can get lovely cheese and wine and bread pretty much anywhere! I love the pride of the British people - the sharp humour... respect for holiday time and weekends!"

Eleni became an ADHD Coach as a result of the training she received when her son was diagnosed with ADHD. "I've learned patience, acceptance, compassion as a result of my son having ADHD. Ironically for a kid with ADHD he has taught me to pause! I want to do everything I can to help him succeed." It's clear where Eleni's passion to help parents of children with ADHD comes from. She understands first hand the value of ADHD education and awareness in order for children with ADHD to thrive. "[It was...] my own child's experience in school when his teachers focused on his challenges and communicated that ADHD would be a problem to his learning. They were absolutely right, it was a challenge to him - learning their way - and with the proper ADHD support he thrived. It made me angry that a child's future, self-esteem, confidence could be so horribly impacted at such a young age. "Often the home relationships also really suffer with one, or more, people in the house with ADHD compounded when the student is getting so much negative feedback. It's important to educate parents first so they can effectively advocate for their kids."

Educating parents is only part of the solution. Teachers need ADHD education too. "Having a special education teacher, teacher or teaching assistant doesn't automatically mean they understand how a child with ADHD learns, and what shuts them down. There are tools that teachers can use to enhance their professional skills and bring out the best in their students." We are privileged to have such an experienced and passionate ADHD Advocate on our team to better support the needs of children with ADHD and their families. If you would like to learn how you can bring out the best in your children or students with ADHD, get in touch with us today.