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Individuals with ADHD get distracted very easily. The ADHD brain needs stimulation to focus and sustain attention. These aids will help you stay engaged.

Noise Cancelling Headphones
Noise Cancelling Headphones
A great way to switch off and minimise distraction from your environment. They also help with noise sensitivities, great if you’re in an open plan office or have others around you. If you decide to listen to music, try and choose instrumental pieces as lyrics can also distract! These are perfect for when you want to focus on your work.

Standing Desk Converter
Standing Desk Converter
Individuals with ADHD struggle to stay focused, particularly if they have to sit still for any period of time which negatively impacts on productivity.
Standing desks/standing desk converters allow individuals with ADHD to stand up while they work which increases their alertness and motivation.

Post It Notes
Post It Notes
For really important reminders that need to be in sight and in mind straightaway, post it notes serve as quick and easy (but effective) visual prompts.
Placing post it notes on a document you are working on to keep your place can also help you transition off that task as you will be more easily able to pick up where you left off!

Magic Whiteboard
Magic Whiteboard
ADHDers work better with visual prompts to be reminded of key strategies/ tasks.
Magic Whiteboards can be taken down off the wall as easily as they are put up. These are great for recording actions, goals and also for ‘score keeping’ to help motivate you to reach your goal.