Live life in integrity with who you really are.
"If you don't set your agenda, you end up following someone else's". Sadly this is true for many individuals with ADHD who don't usually pause to get clear about what they want or should be doing on any particular day. These aids will help you get clear about your day's agenda so that you can start working towards achieving your goals.

Re-Adhesive Monthly Wall Planner
Re-Adhesive Monthly Wall Planner
Plan out the month ahead to better understand where your big projects and life events are taking place. Allow space to recover and prepare. Ensuring you take ample holidays and keep your tank full.
I love the re-adhesive element with this product, no nails required!

Year Wall Planner
Year Wall Planner
Individuals with ADHD struggle with time management and don’t feel time passing like their neurotypical peers. In order to better manage their time it helps to see it.
Yearly Planners help to make the year ahead visual helping individuals with ADHD to get a better idea of when their projects/events are coming up giving themselves time to prepare.

Pilot Pen Frixion Erasable Rollerball Pen
Pilot Pen Friction Erasable Rollerball Pen
Most individuals with ADHD are perfectionists and resist writing in their bullet journals or daily plans for fear of having to make changes later. They find that once they are crossing things out and re-writing entries or tasks, the page starts looking too cluttered which makes them reluctant to refer to the page due to overwhelm.
An erasable pen enables individuals with ADHD to write and refer to their plans more readily.