Live life in integrity with who you really are.
Collaboration is at our core
We have a proven track record of working in partnership, with diverse partners such as the NHS, private healthcare providers like Psychiatry UK, corporate employers, the Department for Work and Pensions and Disability Rights UK. Our approach is built on robust evaluation, collaboration, quality of service and continuous improvement.
We offer specialist, embedded end-to-end case management for social inclusion, supportive measures as well as spot purchase training, coaching and assessment interventions for employees and pre-employment. We value tough targets and evidence-based approaches – we want to be involved in projects that work and have clear, measurable outcomes.
Partnership Opportunities
We are open to proposals from like-minded Public, Private, Community and Voluntary sectors that can utilise our expertise. Our client group is over represented in unemployment and under represented in employment, meaning that many employers are missing out on the benefit of including neurodiverse/neurodivergent thinkers. We love working in partnership, we’re very well behaved with our paperwork and we share training, skills and advice!
The ADHD Advocate recognise the need to sub contract services to ensure the best quality delivery is achieved for our end-clients and take our responsibilities as a Lead contractor very seriously. We adhere to merlin standard principles.